
Instagram analytics 2022: the best services and tools

How to do analytics on Instagram?

Modern technology allows you to analyze your Instagram account using several methods. It is important to understand that it is not only possible but also necessary to analyze your Instagram account. Thanks to the received information you can make conclusions about your advertising company, the work of sm – specialist, tagger and other specialists and adjust their activities, determine the course of work and where you need to go.

In Instagram there is a possibility to analyze:

  • advertising companies – exclude ineffective and leave only those that bring profit and customers,

Account posts – understand why these particular posts bring a high response from the target audience and continue to work in the same way,

  • stories – similar to publications,
  • Posts from competitors or popular accounts – use chips that interest people, especially foreign accounts.

The analytics of an Instagram account can be tracked by KPIs. These are the main performance indicators. You can analyze: the number of subscribers and unsubscribes, reach, applications that came from this social network. It is worth understanding that it is meaningless to draw conclusions from one indicator – it is necessary to analyze everything as a whole.

There are also a few important points in this regard. It is necessary to pay attention to the growth in coverage of the account, and not to the increase in subscribers, as their growth can be due to bot tweaking. It is also necessary to assess the number of appeals, which come from instagram, and not applications, as a consultant may not be a qualified specialist and at this stage there is a loss of the client.

It is important to measure engagement. And this is the sum of likes and comments. But! A million likes no longer surprise anyone, and if you see a million comments, then it’s another matter. And they should be alive, people should want to communicate, share something, then the post will hit the recommendations, and then you will begin to get subscribers, applications and customers.

By the same token, it is important to pay attention to “save”. If it was added, it means it was interesting or useful, and you will want to reread it again and again.

And when to start analyzing?

It’s best not to forget about it and analyze it constantly. And keep in mind that it does not matter how many subscribers, it is important what they do: comment, share the post, order, and so on.

A relatively new point in the statistics is the hashtag. It became relevant after the social network introduced subscriptions to them. You need to learn how to work with them, but here are some tips:

  1. Add 3-5 hashtags to your post. But not in the text itself, but in the first comment.
  2. Don’t use all the popular ones, choose a few that fit the theme of the post.
  3. Periodically change the hashtags, and see which ones work better and which ones worse.
  4. Provide a few regular hashtags, so to speak, for the company.

Keeping track of how many people are following your hashtags is easy, thanks to instagram’s built-in analytics.

Often experts and specialists wonder how to view analytics in instagram services? We’ll tell you in the next block

How do I keep track of my Instagram stats?

You can view and analyze statistics in Instagram either through the built-in function, which has all the indicators above, or through third-party services with advanced functionality.

There are a variety of services for Instagram analytics, both in Russian and English – let’s talk about the most popular ones.

In English:


This is a fairly well-known service for analytics on Instagram and Facebook. It allows you to monitor post analytics. Its uniqueness is that it takes into account the specifics of your niche and offers appropriate packages. There are both PC and mobile versions.

The service gives a 2 week free subscription and then from $59. This price includes monitoring 3 accounts, 2 different users + tracking one competitor and additional perks.

The service asks for half an hour to an hour to perform analysis. Report can be filtered by week, month, 3 months, year or any other period of your choice.

Pros of the service:

  • During authorization does not ask for a card,
  • User-friendly interface,
    You can filter by brand name,
  • Competitor Analysis,
  • Post Planner.

The minuses of the service:

  • There is no filtering by keywords,
  • No ability to publish to multiple sites,
  • Sprout Social – service for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Also available on all devices.
  • The trial period is one month, then $89 for 30 days. The maximum is 5 accounts.

Advantages and disadvantages are similar to the previous service, the only thing is that there is no competitor analysis.


It allows you to do instagram, Facebook, Twitter analytics. Available only on PC. Free period is 2 weeks. Then $9 per account, get analytics with a report in the mail.

Pros of the service:

  • Accessibility,
  • User-friendly interface,
  • No card data required for authorization,
  • Filters by keyword and brand name

The minuses of the service:

  • No ability to publish posts on more than one site,
  • No mobile app, competitor analysis, publication planner


With this service you can analyze Instagram accounts and hashtags.

Available only on PC. The trial period is 2 weeks. Then $9, available analytics for 3 accounts and export reports.

Pros of the service:

  • Available in Russian,
  • Analyzes competitors,
  • There is a search by brand.

The minuses of the service:

  • There is no mobile app, planner, it is possible to work on multiple sites, and you can not search by specific words.

Russian-language services:

InstaHero – service, thanks to which you can prepare analytics of accounts in Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, forums, blogs and review sites. Available only in the full version of the site.

There is no trial period or full subscription. Individual services are sold, some with restrictions.

Pros of the service:

  • Russian-language services:
  • InstaHero – service, thanks to which you can prepare analytics of accounts in Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, forums, blogs and review sites. Available only in the full version of the site.
  • There is no trial period or full subscription. Individual services are sold, some with restrictions.
  • Pros of the service:

The minuses of the service:

  • There is no mobile version, as well as the ability to make posts to multiple media,
  • Competitor analysis, planner, and filtering by specific words are not available.

YouScan is a service for analyzing visual content in social networks. It is available only in the full version of the site.

There is no trial period, only a demo version. Cost from 35.000 and 3 months.

Pros of the service:

  • User-friendly interface,
  • Competitor analysis is available,
  • There is a search for the mention of the brand,
  • Keyword search is available,
  • Ability to work with bloggers.

The minuses of the service:

  • No planner, no mobile version,
  • No ability to publish content to multiple services

LiveDune is a tool for analyzing accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki.

Access to the site only.

Trial period of a week, and then from 400 rubles.

Of the advantages can be highlighted:

  • planner,
  • competitor analysis,
  • filtering by specified words,
  • the ability to work for multiple sites.

Cons include:

  • absence of an app,
  • Inability to track by brand mention, limited trial period.

Popsters is a service for preparing profile analytics in Instagram and other social networks.

Free period – a week, and then from 399 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages are similar to the previous service.

Pur.Ninja is a service for analytics and work with instagram. There is an opportunity to work on one screen with several social networks. Is available only on the computer.

Free is available – for a week, and then from $11.

Pros of the service:

  • There is a planner,
  • User-friendly interface,
  • Filtering by brand name is possible.

The minuses of the service:

  • There is no mobile version, as well as the ability to make posts to multiple media,
  • Competitor analysis and filtering by specific words are not available.

Picalytics is a tool with which in-depth analytics in instagram is available.

Access is only on a PC.

Free access is 3 days and then from $8 per month.


  • User-friendly interface


  • It is obligatory to attach a card during the free period,
  • No planner, no ability to publish content, no ability to analyze competitors,
  • No keyword search.
  • Doesn’t track brand mentions.

Where is the analytics in Instagram?

The statistics can be viewed in the appropriate section. To do this, click “see statistics”, it is located under the photo. Only the account owner can see it.

To use this function, you need to move your profile to “business account”.

In this section you will see the following metrics:

  • Views: how many times your account was viewed in a week.
  • Coverage: how many unique visitors viewed your account.
  • Profile Views: the number of non-unique profile views.
  • Clicks on Site Link: the number of clicks on the link in your profile header.
  • Clicks on “Send email”: clicks on “Contact” button.
  • Views: non-unique views of the post;
  • Coverage – unique views of the post; 1 account gives 1 view;
  • Engagement – the sum of likes and comments.
  • Likes – number of likes under your post;
  • Comments – number of comments under your post.
  • Saves – see how many times users have added the post to themselves.

How do I find out who visited my Instagram page?

The social network itself doesn’t allow you to do this in any way. There is no corresponding function or section. But your secret admirer could have left a trail in your account:

  1. Viewed your story ( see who viewed your stories in the appropriate section)
  2. Liked or commented on ( see recent posts or notifications)

To do this, you choose a post:

  1. Click on the heart on the bottom menu bar
  2. Find the list showing subscriber activity
  3. Turn on the “Subscriptions” tab
  4. Check out

The official and safe ways are over, you can use third-party services, but note that this is not safe for your account.


Helps you track users who have visited your account. As results, it gives out 200 profiles that have visited you. These are unique and common profiles, both those who have visited and those who have just “looked”. You can use the service for free, but based on the reviews, we can see that the application shows the first 2 names and collects a list without showing it.

Unfollowgan website.

This service also helps to find your secret fans. To do this on the service you need:

  1. Sign in to your account
  2. And start exploring.

The site analyzes each new check and compiles a rating of activity among these subscribers.

About the author

Yuliya Kazarovets

Yuliya Kazarovets

SMM course teacher. Practising internet marketer, member of GUSAROV agency team. Worked with budgets of $50 per day and more. Launched targeted advertising for CIS, Europe, USA.

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