
What is naming in simple words?


The name of the brand is very important, because it affects its recognition and interest. It is the name that will make you stand out from your competitors. But first, let’s understand what is naming?

What is naming

Naming is the procedure for creating a brand name under which a product or service will be on the market. It is important that the name be unique and memorable and simple.

Many entrepreneurs think that the main thing is to create a product, and the name itself. But this is not the case.

When creating a company name, you need to consider an important point – ethics. The name has to sound good in at least the main languages of the world and not be offensive. There are plenty of examples where the product was not promoted higher because of bad associations, incorrect translations and so on.

It is also important for a copywriter who creates a name for a brand to explain how it can be used in promotion.

According to statistics, more than 70% of customers believe that the name is the face of the brand, and that they pay attention to it when choosing a product.

The Laws of Naming

There are a few rules that are important to follow when creating naming:

  1. Simplicity and sound. Not only should the name be clear, but it should be easy to write and remember.
  2. Stylistics. The name of the brand should describe its essence and scope of activity.
  3. Originality. Your name should not be used or registered somewhere.
  4. Ethics and thoughtfulness.  Avoid connotations, especially negative ones. It’s good if you have multiple interpretations, but be careful.
  5. Consistency of place and concept.  If you can make a reference to the place, great. For example, if you have a cafe near the river, you can call it “By the River.”
  6. Use psychology and the Russian language. When creating a name, pay special attention to the emotional coloring, etymology of the word, its word formation and other details.

In this kind of work it is important not to overwork. The goal of naming is to be understandable to the majority of the audience.

Naming creation methods

How to create a cool name? If you don’t understand how to get started, there are a few suggestions:

  1. Associations.  Draw attention to any features of your product or brand. For example, a children’s holiday party company called Fun Company. It’s clear from the name that the firm is in the business of entertaining and creating parties.
  2. Abbreviations. In this case, we create a company name from the abbreviations. At this point, include acronyms, when the name is created from the first item full of words. For example, Almy – Alexander Mikhaylovich (director of the store).
  3. Neologisms. Words that you came up with your own, they are easy to impose copyright. It will be great if you pay attention to all the previous tips. For example, Yandex.
  4. Truncations. A word or several are taken as the basis, as a rule, they are associated with the advantages and qualities of the product. For example, Fanta, from the word “fantastic”.
  5. Names. This takes the author’s name and the name of the company. Often they are combined, as in the example of Almy.
  6. Rhymes. You take the name of the company and create a rhyme. Cool if you can combine it with quality or your advantage.
  7. Excellence. Let’s turn to the Russian language a little bit. This is where you take prefixes with superior comparison, such as super, mega, and others. For example, “super store.” Various hyperboles also belong to this point. That is, we exaggerate the quality of the product. For example, “fabric world.”
  8. Domain-naming. The meaning of the method – to use the domain as a name. This method has long been used as a popular marketing technique, because it is easy to remember the name and brand name.
  9. Benchmarking. The name is created by building a name on similar products.
  10. Personality-preferred. For example, “Bystrov.”
  11. Appeal. In this case, the name appeals to the emotions of the audience.

It is also important to use other rules for the creation of naming. For example, it should be: sound, original, with meaning, memorable, associative.

Naming services

In the age of technology, many processes are automated, or given over to a robot that will assist humans. Naming is a creative process though, but there are many services that are willing to create original names. Here are the most basic ones:

  1. https://www.logaster.ru/ — the service works with keywords that are related to your field of activity. Then you can select a category, and the service will start generating ideas.
  2. https://monoxrom.ru — the principle of work is the same as with the previous service.
  3. http://megagenerator.ru/brend — gives you the opportunity not only to choose a brand category, but also to determine the number of words in the nickname.
  4. https://earn24.ru/ — in the filter enter: a keyword, the number of letters and the principle of the name. With the number of letters is better to be limited, recall that the name should be easy to remember. Moreover, if you choose, for example, 15 letters, then will be generated quite strange names.
  5. http://planovik.ru/generator/  — this service will help you come up with a company name or character name. It works the same as the previous service, but there is an opportunity to choose a keyword.
  6. https://earn24.ru/ — this tool has many more functions. You can choose the number of letters, the principle of creation. After generation you will see many options from which you can choose the one you like the most.

How naming is developed

Developing a brand name doesn’t just happen. You have to work in several stages:

  1. Analytics. It is important to analyze the direct and indirect competitors, the characteristics of the target audience. All this is important to study in the smallest detail, so that the name attracts the attention of the target audience.
  2. Development of a unique name. At this stage worked out and created the name, at least a few options, and with them continue to work.
  3. Analysis of options. Analyze for compliance with your name criteria and details from the first point.
  4. Harmonization of the best option.
  5. Test on the target audience.
  6. Registering the brand name.

Naming a product is a long process that requires a lot of care and professionalism.

About the author

Andrew Gusarov

Andrew Gusarov

Director of the digital agency GUSAROV, SEO specialist and internet marketer. Loves to teach and learn. Author of videos and articles about internet marketing, a regular speaker and organiser of master-classes on usability and how to stand out from competitors.

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